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Powerd by Earth.911

Use it Up or Pass It Forward

Almost 2 gallons of paint per person is sold every year. The dangerous news is that much of it ends up as liquid
in landfills, potentially contaminating soil, water and air.

The Good News
  • There are natural paints made from citrus and other botanicals. They are free of biocides and preservatives.
  • Milk paints (casein paints) are popular because of their healthy and eco-friendly properties.
  • Latex paint is water-based and less toxic than oil paint (petroleum-based).
  • Paint, if stored correctly (upside down with a tight seal around the lid), can last years.

How Can You Help?
  • Always buy latex paint (not oil).
  • Use up stored paint before buying new paint.
  • Donate leftover paint to neighbors, friends, family or groups that can use it.
  • Never pour paint down the drain or on the ground.
  • Let latex paint dry completely before putting into a trash can.