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Powerd by Earth.911

Flammable Liquid

Household Hazardous Waste (HHW)
Careful with Household Chemicals

HHW are household products with hazardous components: cleansers, pesticides, herbicides, batteries, oil paint, stains, varnishes, polishes and vehicle products. These products contain toxic or flammable chemicals. NEVER put HHW in the trash, drain or burn it. HHW can hurt people and contaminate ground, water and air.

The Good News
  • More and more regional drop-off centers accept HHW.
  • Most HHW can be reused.

HHW Accepted Items
Cleaners, solvents, fertilizers, paints (oil and latex), stains, varnishes, wood-metal strippers and preservatives, pesticides herbicides, poisons, aerosols, fluorescent tubes, rechargeable batteries, pool chemicals, acid and vehicle supplies: gasoline, fuels, motor oil/filters, antifreeze, brake and transmission fluids, batteries. Some collection centers only accept HHW called: BOPA: Batteries, Oil, Paint (latex), Antifreeze. Call to make sure what your collection center accepts.

Not Commonly Accepted Items
Explosives, ammunition, radioactive waste, medical waste.

How Can You Help?
  • Buy the least hazardous product, follow instructions and use it up.
  • Buy only what you need and donate leftover product.
  • If unable to donate leftover, bring to a collection center.
  • Use safer methods for cleaning such as micro-fiber cloths with vinegar, lemon or baking soda.
  • Buy rechargeable batteries and dispose properly. They take the place of hundreds of regular batteries. Americans throw away 3 billion batteries every year -125,000 tons.