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Heavy Trash
Too Big for the Garbage Can?

Heavy trash are items too big to put in the garbage, such as refrigerators, stoves,air conditioners, washers,dryers, damaged furniture or mattresses. Some of these products also contain toxins that contaminate water and soil if notproperly thrown away.

The Good News
  • Many local cities offer heavy trash collection once a month.
  • Appliances contain metals, glass and plastic that can be recycled into other products.

How Can You Help?
  • Only buy new appliances when necessary.
  • When buying new, ask the store if it will recycle your old one. If not, hire a legitimate recycler or waste hauler.
  • If your appliance works, donate it to charity or find someone who has a use for it. (Maintained appliances can last 10-20 years).
  • Place items out on heavy trash days in areas that offer pick-up.

Illegal Dumping
A Public Health Hazard

Illegal dumping is putting trash on property without permission from the owner or city. Appliances, furniture, vehicle parts and garbage are commonly dumped.
  • Dumps attract rats, mosquitoes and pests who can transmit diseases to humans.
  • If you dump it, you'll drink it! Chemicals and toxic materials that are dumped contaminate groundwater.
  • Illegal dumping is ugly, a dangerous health hazard, and expensive to clean with tax dollars.

The Good News
If caught, the dumper can be fined money and/or receive jail time.

How Can You Help?
Report illegal dumping (Texas only) 1-888-777-3186.

Reinvent the Wheel


290 million tires are trashed every year. 55 million are either in landfills or illegally dumped. Used tires are breeding grounds for mosquitoes and rodents. Many people illegally burn tires. Tire fires burn for months, releasing toxic chemicals into the air.

The Good News
Tires can be recycled into new products: carpet padding, flooring, running tracks, gravel and rock landscaping substitutes, roads, parking lots - to name a few.

How Can You Help?

  • Keep tires properly inflated monthly. This is critical for tire life and fuel economy.
  • Have tire stores dispose of old tires (usually requires a small fee).
  • Buy recycled tire products for landscaping jobs.